Competitions Polices & Procedures
By submitting your entry to Golf Manitoba the applicant/participant is aware of and assumes all risks of bodily injury or property damage, including specifically (but not exclusively) the risk of being exposed to and contracting any disease or contagion such as Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the risk of being injured by thrown or struck golf balls or clubs, actions by spectators, players, caddies, or others in attendance, and the competitor agrees that Golf Manitoba, including its Directors, Officers, volunteers and employees, as well as the competitors in the tournament, are not liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from such causes or any other negligence.
By registering for a Golf Manitoba competition you understand and accept the terms and conditions of entry and all policies as set out on the Golf Manitoba website below and will abide by them. You also agree that all entries are subject to approval by Golf Manitoba.
Competition Policies
Golf Manitoba Hard Card – 2024
All Abilities Impairment Eligibility – 2022
Amateur Code of Conduct – effective 2022
Caddie Regulations – effective 2019
Dress Code – effective 2020
Inclement Weather – effective 2020
Motorized Transportation – 2024
Entry Policies & Regulations
All information for specific championships, such as information regarding pairings and starting times will be available on the Golf Manitoba web site approximately 3 – 5 days before the competition begins. Email of pairings and starting times will be sent to players who have supplied valid information.
It is the competitor’s sole responsibility to determine their starting time. If the player arrives at their starting point, ready to play, within five minutes after their starting time, in the absence of circumstances that warrant waiving the penalty of disqualification as provided in Rule 5.3a, the penalty for failure to start on time is loss of the first hole to be played in match play or two strokes in stroke play. Penalty for lateness beyond five minutes is disqualification. No exceptions.
All Golf Manitoba competition are conducted using the Standard Local Rules, Conditions of the Competition and Notice to Competitors adopted by Golf Manitoba. These documents are available on the Golf Manitoba web site, at the Golf Manitoba office and copies are available to all players at the competition starting table.
All competitors must be a member of a recognized provincial, state or national golf association.
Only those players who are members of a Golf Manitoba Member Club, and who have been in permanent residence in the Golf Manitoba jurisdiction area for at least six consecutive months are eligible to represent Manitoba on a Provincial Team at a National Championship or to take a Golf Manitoba quota spot.
It is the player’s responsibility to ensure entries arrive in the Golf Manitoba office by the entry deadline date. Please check the Golf Manitoba web site to ensure your entry has been received. Golf Manitoba does not assume responsibility for lost entries.
Payment in full must accompany the registration. Cheques are to be made payable to: “Golf Manitoba”, and mailed to the Association at: 145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2Z6. NSF cheques are subject to a $25.00 charge plus any financial institution charge.
Any player who fails to notify Golf Manitoba with a valid reason for withdrawing prior to commencement of the competition, or who withdraws during play without valid reason, or who fails to appear for a subsequent round of an event, may be suspended from competing in any Golf Manitoba events for the balance of the current season, as well as for the next season. Should a competitor be forced to withdraw from an event, they must inform a Golf Manitoba Official at the earliest possible opportunity or contact David Borowski, Director of Competitions & Rules at 204.330.1117 or david@golfmb.ca.
If a player is entered for an event and does not arrive for their designated tee time, or if a player picks up his/her ball and leaves the golf course prior to completing play without notifying a Golf Manitoba official, they will receive a letter from the Association requesting an explanation. The player will be warned that a suspension could occur if similar action is repeated at a future event or if they fail to respond to the request. If a player does not respond to the request for an explanation, they will be suspended from competing in Golf Manitoba events for the balance of the current season and the entire next season.
Entry fees will not be refunded after the entry closing date. Championship entry fees, less a $25.00 service charge, will be refunded when Golf Manitoba is notified by phone or email prior to the entry deadline of the competition. Refunds, less the service charge, will be given only for medical or compassionate reasons for a cancellation received after the competition entry deadline. Such cancellations require written confirmation. No refund will be given for any reason once the championship begins.
Play in all Golf Manitoba competitions will be governed by the Rules of Golf as approved for use in Canada by Golf Canada.
All ties in an individual competition for overall place, team spots*, or qualifying spots shall be decided by a sudden victory playoff. If, in the sole judgment of the Competitions Committee, a sudden victory playoff is not feasible on the last day of the event, an 18 hole playoff will be arranged. If that is not feasible, a system of Matching Scorecards will be used.
All other ties shall be broken by a system of matching cards as outlined in the Rules of Golf, Section 5A(6) of Committee Procedures.
*Ties for a provincial team spot will be decided by a playoff. Ties for remaining quota spots will be decided by matching scorecards.
Matching Scorecards
Multiple rounds – the winner is decided based on the best score for the last 18 holes. If the tying players have the same score for the last 18 holes, we determine the winner based on the last 9 holes, then the last 6 holes, then the last 3 holes, and finally the winner based on the 18th hole.
One Round – the winner is decided based on the best score for the last 9 holes. If the tying players have the same score for the last 9 holes, we determine the winner based on the last 6 holes, then the last 3 holes, and finally the winner based on the 18th hole.
Any penalty which may result in disqualification will be discussed by the Referee involved and with the Committee on site before being imposed. Exception, those players that have missed their starting time and are beyond the five (5) minutes allowed do not require a consultation with the Committee.
Players may request a second opinion on a question of rules. This will be provided as a courtesy by Golf Manitoba officials. The second opinion will be final.
All questions will be settled by the Competition Committee of Golf Manitoba.