Registration for Golf Manitoba championships is now open.
To be eligible to compete in all Golf Manitoba competitions, players must be an active Golf Manitoba/Canada member and must also hold a current Golf Canada Handicap Index.
To view the 2024 championship schedule and register, click here.
For players who do not have an active Golf Manitoba/Canada membership through a member club or league, click here to learn more and join.
The championship registration process is easier, less time consuming and accessible through Golf Canada’s Score Centre.
To enter all Golf Manitoba events, you must first log into your Golf Canada Score Centre profile using a web browser and select the competitions tab found under the user menu on the top right-hand side of the web page.

Please note that personal Golf Genius accounts that are active at the club level will not permit you to register for any Golf Manitoba Championship.
Reminder, entry deadlines for most events will close 14 days prior to the start of the championship.
If you have any questions regarding registration, please do not hesitate to contact Golf Manitoba’s Director of Administration Amy Coggan via email at
To view the 2024 championship schedule and register, click here.